
Today the boy felt so free, so he calm down himself

and think carefully. The boy remembered that the girl

told him she was never happy before when together

with the boy, the girl just felt irritating, confused, sad

and fed up. But the girl felt happy when chatting with

another boy. The boy felt that himselft was so useless,

he cant make his gf be happy when with him, but his

gf felt happy when sms with other guy. And the boy's

tears started to roll down again and this is the third

time.But the boy din blame anyone, because he is willing

to do so. Besides, the boy think before to lost contact

with that girl, because he don't want that girl blame and

scold herself again. The boy dont want the girl feel

sorry to him, he just expect the girl to stay happy

and smile everyday. When the boy asked that girl about

this, his heart seems like hurted by knife. The boy hate

himself so much, he dont want to do so, but......

Finally the boy cant make it, he worry about that girl,

he knew that if he really dont want contact with that

girl anymore, he will never have chance to care that

girl anymore, and that girl will be sad too.

And 1 day the boy said smtg to that girl, although he

said quite times already but he still repeat. What is the

reason for??? That girl is quite weak, he dont want that

girl get hurt again and again, cry again and again.

The boy begged GOD give all the sadness to the

boy, let the boy bear it alone, because the boy do care

that girl so much. He wants to do something for that

girl. He never make that girl happy before, the boy must

pay with something. Even if the boy do make that girl

happy, he will also do the same thing.Because the boy

LOVE that girl. And after that girl made that decision,

the boy just can say " I LOVE YOU" in his heart.

Maybe next time the boy just can mo4 mo4 look at

that girl. What the boy promised that girl now all gone,

the boy cant even success fulfill it.And the boy still

waiting alone.The boy done his best !

After i read, i rmb smtg.




苦, 也会害到自己变成不守信用。

可爱情就是这样吧,没得改变吗? 有! 不过就得看彼此的心。

