FEBRUARY of 7!!!wowww....My birthday My birthday ! xD

Finally i m 16 NOW ! Old jor le . Happy birthday to myself ! and

the girl that same day birthday with me, cai qian. Happy

birthday to you too :)

happy birthday Pictures, Images and Photos
(choosed by mei)

Yesterday after tuition, my godsis(xh) say happy birthday to

me !She was the first person that wished me ! Sharp at 12.00am

mei(xh) wished me again. Her message so so so so so so long.

Really touched ! She said lots of things to me. Already

considered as my best present d ! I m so happy have her as my

mei ! My pleasure ! Before that, some1 also sent me a picture

message ! Made me so happy too ! thank you ^_^ i like it so

much.And i just chated with anthony.I told him my birthday.He

sing me a birthday song. hehe. thank you sir =)

Later i'm going to AMBC first meeting ! The first time i become

treasurer ! charm le . Jia yous jia yous !